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ProActive Blog

An Interview With Myself

by ProActive Writer's Group on 09/14/18

I haven’t received any submissions for my blog interview with series writers, so I decided to interview myself first. If you write series books, you might want to fill out the form and submit it. Be sure to give an email where she can contact you for pictures and more information if/when she blogs about you. 

 Author Linda Louise Mecham-Rigsbee

 Linda Rigsbee is an award winning author who lives near Fayetteville, Arkansas. Since 1986, she has published over 50 books under the names; Linda Rigsbee, Linda Louise Rigsbee, Linda L. Rigsbee, Linda Mecham-Rigsbee and L. L. Rigsbee. She is a multi-genre writer, with books in the following genres: Clean Romance, Western, Science Fiction/Fantasy, General Fiction, Poetry, Children’s Books and Young Adult. She writes fiction and non-fiction in story lengths from flash fiction to novels. She writes for an audience “from cradle to rocking chair.”

Today, Rigsbee is focusing on her series “Spaceship Lyra Logs,” which currently contains two books; Log 001 “The Amelioration Expedition” and Log 002 “The Genesis Project.” She is currently working on Log 003 “Quixotic Rebellion.”

Spaceship Lyra Logs Series is a continuation of The Mascot Trilogy, Science Fiction/Fantasy novels.

 Donte, a mascot, is the supreme commander of the Lyra, a research and rescue spaceship. Mascots are humans illegally genetically modified with animal genes to produce a superior being. They were created by a scientific company on planet Oriel to guide and protect the colonists of Purlieu when it was colonized centuries ago, but now they are assisting other planets as well. These books focus on characters and situations rather than the action of space wars. They are gripping stories. One reader said “The best trilogy I’ve ever read – in any genre.”

Rigsbee says her favorite in this series is The Amelioration Expedition, probably because it was the beginning of a new genre series for her.

 Linda Louise Rigsbee has another series; The Carmen and Alex series of clean romance novels. Rigsbee enjoys reading many genres, as long as the book is well written and reasonably clean.

 Rigsbee writes for enjoyment – yours and hers. She maintains a website at for free online reads of her stories. No membership or information is required to read these advertising free stories. Her most important goal is to write books that people are still enjoying two hundred years from now.

 Rigsbee sells her books on Smashwords and Amazon, as well as at craft sales with the “book trailer” she built in 2017. For more information about Linda Rigsbee, visit her website at

Series Author Interviews

by ProActive Writer's Group on 08/28/18

For the entire months of September and October, Pro-Active Writer's Group will be celebrating authors of series books. Some of the things you will learn are: What inspires authors to write series books? What was their first series? What are their books about? Where can their books be purchased?

Join us in recognizing these authors. Then watch for an author signing!

Why Library Signings?

by ProActive Writer's Group on 03/28/17

The function of library author signings arranged by ProActive Writer's Group is not to provide an income opportunity for authors. The intent is to introduce readers and writers. Of course, sales are coveted, but lack of sales isn't a failure. Author events aren't solely for the author.

 Years ago I remember attending my first author signing as a reader. I heard or read that my favorite author at that time was going to be in the Mall in Fayetteville. I drove from Rogers to Fayetteville to meet this author in person. I'll never forget how I felt and I still have the book I purchased. I took my young son along and he became a fan of a new author.

People go to the library to get free books. Why would they want to buy one?

1. The books in the library are not theirs to keep.

2. They met and spoke to the author - it's personal now.

3. The book they bought has been signed by the author.

 It doesn't matter where the author is signing, but at libraries you don't spend hours sitting at a table watching non-readers walk by. If people are at the library, they probably read. Even if they don't buy one of your books at that event, they may buy one later. There is also a good chance that they will mention you to other people they think might be interested.

 I am dyslexic, but I was exposed to the adventure of books as a young girl when my mother read to me. My mother permitted us to read during nap time. At a time when dyslexia usually went undiagnosed and there were no games or and we had no television, I was drawn to the adventure in books. I know what it's like to feel inferior and read a book that makes me feel invincible. I drew strength and determination from the characters. I overcame my handicap without the aid of medication or classes. I learned how to persevere.

Now, as a writer, I want readers to feel what I felt when I read. As a writer, I want to encourage other writers. Author signings give both readers and potential writers an opportunity to talk to a successful writer - and you are a success if you have written and published a book. It doesn't matter whether you self-published or traditionally published the book.

 It isn't all about me as a writer. That's why I founded ProActive Writer's Group and that's why I seek libraries - especially those off the beaten path libraries in outlying areas where readers may never have the opportunity to meet a writer and get their book signed.

 I founded ProActive Writer's Group with the idea of helping other writers become approachable to their audience. Our books can continue to entertain long after we are gone. They are a legacy - whether or not we become best sellers. First, readers must know we are there - and that we are there for them. That's what ProActive Writer's Group is about.


by ProActive Writer's Group on 11/13/16

I’m one of those people who need a defined starting point for a new project. You know, like January 1st when we make our new year’s resolutions. I don’t know why. Maybe I’m OCD or something.

This morning when I woke, I was thinking that my project ProActive Writer’s Group has been InActive for almost a year. I’ve been distracted by projects like building a roof over the deck and health issues – not to mention politics.

Today I went through my morning routine and when I stepped outside, I noticed that it had frosted. I don’t know if it is a record, but I don’t remember ever having a frost this late. As I touched the frost on my car window, I thought to myself First Frost, and its significance to me went beyond a seasonal change. It was a starting point for renewal.

Like all writers, I love to read and write, but there has always been another passion for me in that field – promoting other writers. In fact, if you are a Facebook friend of mine, you know I promote other writer’s books more than I do my own. That was why I started ProActive Writer’s Group. The idea was to bring writers together virtually, and have occasional activities that would introduce them to readers. Very few writers have expressed interest and other things took priority of my time. In short, I dropped the ball and I apologize.

Today I am launching Operation First Frost. Today ProActive Writer’s Group becomes active again. (NOTE: You do not have to be a member to participate!)  Here is my agenda for Operation First Frost

Writer Of The Week

Each week I will post an introduction to a different writer.


I plan to do at least four events each year.* This may include author signings, seminars or any other method of introducing writers and readers.


There are writer’s clubs and organizations all over the country that help writers. I will have a list of any I become aware of as well as contact information for them on the ProActive Writer’s website.

     I’m sure more things will be introduced in the future, but this is a good start. If you are interested, check out the website and/or the Facebook Group. You can contact me on my email or PM me on my Facebook Page Author Linda Rigsbee.

 I am currently working on two things:

1. Writer of the Week. This writer will be my mentor, Dusty Richards. My theme is first books.

2. The event FIRST BOOK*. I will be getting together several writers to re-introduce their first book. If you are interested, please contact me on my email with the subject line FIRST BOOK and tell me why you think readers would find your first book interesting.

I haven’t determined a date or time yet, but I would like to do something before the first of the year and it will probably be at a library.


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